BOB Digital Personal Loans: घर बैठे बैठे मिलेगा लॉन बस यह काम करो

 BOB Digital Personal Loan: Bank of Baroda instant personal loan is very beneficial for those who want to get a personal loan without visiting the branch as the bank provides the loan online mode in steps. It may be any emergency including medical expenditure, educational purposes, attending any marriage or function, or home renovation for any other type of need, but a personal loan can be asked for multiple purposes so you can check the latest features of BOB Digital Personal Loan in this article. You can check the BOB Digital Personal Loan eligibility criteria and important document list which should be uploaded online mode after that you can apply online for a BOB personal loan online 2023.

BOB Digital Personal Loan

BOB Digital Personal Loan facilities of Bank of Baroda are helping their customers as they can apply for a loan amount of 50000 to a maximum of 10 lakh rupees through online mode. There are limitations for customers to apply manually by visiting the bank as the Bank closes on holidays and weekends. Apart from this the working time duration of the bank is also short. But now customers can apply for personal loans from their homes by using their smartphone in Bank of Baroda through the Bank of Baroda digital personal loan scheme. As it is an online procedure you do need not to submit any document physically to the branch.

Features of BOB Personal Loan 2024

Applicants will get the opportunity to pay loan amounts from 12 months to 60 months according to their facilities.

You can apply for a maximum of 10 lakh through online mode in Bank of Baroda

The interest rates start from 12.40% and the bank will charge up to. 17.75% according to the eligibility and condition of the customer.

Apart from the interest rates you have to also pay 2% processing fees we should be between 1000 rupees to 10000 rupees maximum.

The stamp paper charges and GST fees will be charged according to the payment which will you receive in your bank account as a loan.

BOB Digital Personal Loan Eligibility criteria 

Only Indian citizens are invited by the Bank of Baroda for BOB digital personal loan 2023

Applicant should have already a bank account in the Bank of Baroda before applying for the personal loan.

The age of the application is 21 years to 58 years for salaried persons and if you are employed then you will get a loan up to the age of 65.

The employee person should be engaged with the same company for at least 1 year

Any self-employed person who is going to apply for a BOB personal loan then he should have at least 1 year of experience in his business.

Do not be a Bank defaulter

Should not have already loan from the Bank of Baroda or any other bank

Important document list for BOB Digital Personal Loan Eligibility

The bank will not ask you to submit documents physically by visiting the branch but you have to provide information on the documents which are provided in the following list at the time of applying online:

Valid mobile number

The Aadhar card of the applicant

The PAN card of the applicant and Aadhar and PAN should be linked with the mobile number which is linked to Bank of Baroda. 

Digital bank statement of Bank of Baroda from at least 6 months

If you are an employee then you should provide the last 2 years’ income tax return or TDS 

Self-employed have to provide the last 2 months’ GST return proof and income tax return

The application should have a proper smartphone with good internet connectivity and a web camera which will be used at the time of KYC to capture the real time image.

Bharat News


BOB Digital Personal Loan 2024: घर बैठे करें लोन के लिए कैसे करें अप्लाई, यहां है रिप्लाई, Very Easy!

December 20, 2023 by Hamid

BOB Digital Personal Loan: Bank of Baroda instant personal loan is very beneficial for those who want to get a personal loan without visiting the branch as the bank provides the loan online mode in steps. It may be any emergency including medical expenditure, educational purposes, attending any marriage or function, or home renovation for any other type of need, but a personal loan can be asked for multiple purposes so you can check the latest features of BOB Digital Personal Loan in this article. You can check the BOB Digital Personal Loan eligibility criteria and important document list which should be uploaded online mode after that you can apply online for a BOB personal loan online 2023.

BOB Digital Personal Loan facilities of Bank of Baroda are helping their customers as they can apply for a loan amount of 50000 to a maximum of 10 lakh rupees through online mode. There are limitations for customers to apply manually by visiting the bank as the Bank closes on holidays and weekends. Apart from this the working time duration of the bank is also short. But now customers can apply for personal loans from their homes by using their smartphone in Bank of Baroda through the Bank of Baroda digital personal loan scheme. As it is an online procedure you do need not to submit any document physically to the branch.

BOB Digital Personal Loan

BOB Digital Personal Loan 2024: घर बैठे करें लोन के लिए कैसे करें अप्लाई, यहां है रिप्लाई, Very Easy!

Features of BOB Personal Loan 2024

Applicants will get the opportunity to pay loan amounts from 12 months to 60 months according to their facilities.

You can apply for a maximum of 10 lakh through online mode in Bank of Baroda

The interest rates start from 12.40% and the bank will charge up to. 17.75% according to the eligibility and condition of the customer.

Apart from the interest rates you have to also pay 2% processing fees we should be between 1000 rupees to 10000 rupees maximum.

The stamp paper charges and GST fees will be charged according to the payment which will you receive in your bank account as a loan.

BOB Digital Personal Loan Eligibility criteria 

Only Indian citizens are invited by the Bank of Baroda for BOB digital personal loan 2023

Applicant should have already a bank account in the Bank of Baroda before applying for the personal loan.

The age of the application is 21 years to 58 years for salaried persons and if you are employed then you will get a loan up to the age of 65.

The employee person should be engaged with the same company for at least 1 year

Any self-employed person who is going to apply for a BOB personal loan then he should have at least 1 year of experience in his business.

Do not be a Bank defaulter

Should not have already loan from the Bank of Baroda or any other bank

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Important document list for BOB Digital Personal Loan Eligibility

The bank will not ask you to submit documents physically by visiting the branch but you have to provide information on the documents which are provided in the following list at the time of applying online:

Valid mobile number

The Aadhar card of the applicant

The PAN card of the applicant and Aadhar and PAN should be linked with the mobile number which is linked to Bank of Baroda. 

Digital bank statement of Bank of Baroda from at least 6 months

If you are an employee then you should provide the last 2 years’ income tax return or TDS 

Self-employed have to provide the last 2 months’ GST return proof and income tax return

The application should have a proper smartphone with good internet connectivity and a web camera which will be used at the time of KYC to capture the real time image.

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Online application procedure for Bob digital personal loan 

If you have the above documents and want to get a personal loan from the Bank of Baroda then you can follow the step-by-step procedure which are providing in this article to apply online without any mistakes:

Visit the official website of Bank of Baroda personal loan by clicking on this link. 

You will reach the dashboard where you can read terms and conditions and other important eligibility criteria on the website after that click on the proceed link

Now you will be redirected to a new have to provide your mobile number which is linked with Bank of Baroda where we will receive OTP verification 

Now your information automatically appears on the dashboard according to the bank’s data and you have to select the loan amount that you want to get

Now select the EMI procedure to repay the loan amount and click on the submit link after uploading all the documents

The bank will soon provide the loan amount to the bank account of the beneficiary after approving the application of the customer.

BOB Digital Personal Loan FAQ:

    आधार कार्ड से 50000 का लोन कैसे लिया जाता है?

आधार कार्ड पर 50000 का लोन लेने के लिए योग्यता शर्तें:

आवेदक की उम्र 21 से 60 वर्ष के बीच होनी चाहिए

क्रेडिट स्कोर 750 या उससे अधिक होना चाहिए

कम से कम 2 साल का और वर्तमान कंपनी के साथ न्यूनतम 1 वर्ष का काम का अनुभव

15,000 रुपये मासिक वेतन

    बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा से पर्सनल लोन कितना मिल सकता है?

बैंक ऑफ़ बड़ौदा 20 लाख रु. तक का पर्सनल लोन देता है, जिसकी ब्याज दरें 10.10% प्रति वर्ष से शुरू होती हैं और इसकी अवधि 7 साल तक है। यह बैंक पेंशन खाताधारकों को 11.65% प्रति वर्ष की ब्याज दर पर पेंशन लोन भी प्रदान करता है।

आधार कार्ड से 10 00000 का लोन कैसे मिलेगा?

आधार कार्ड से ₹10000 तक का लोन कैसे प्राप्त करें? आईआईएफएल फाइनेंस की वेबसाइट पर जाकर "Apply Online" बटन पर क्लिक करें। ऑनलाइन पर्सनल लोन आवेदन पत्र में सारा विवरण भरें और मोबाइल नंबर पर भेजा गया ओटीपी दाल कर वेरीफाई करें। अपना केवाईसी भरके वेरीफाई करें ताकि आप अपनी इनकम पात्रता जान सकें।

    5 लाख तुरंत कैसे प्राप्त करें?

क्या आप तत्काल वित्तीय आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए ₹5 लाख की एकमुश्त राशि चाहते हैं? आगे मत देखिए, आप नवी से 100% कागज रहित तरीके से ₹5 लाख का तत्काल व्यक्तिगत ऋण प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यह सुविधाजनक और तेज़ है और अंतिम उपयोग पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। आप इस राशि का उपयोग किसी भी वित्तीय आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए कर सकते हैं।

Sarkari yojana

यह साइट सरकार द्वारा संचालित नही है यह एक व्यक्ति के द्वारा संचालित है इस पर दी जाने वाली जानकारी एक दम सच होगी यदि कोई गलती होती है तो कॉमेंट में जरूर बताएं धन्यवाद ✌️

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